
yummy new beads

Hi. My name is Jessica and I'm a beadaholic. I have long been obsessed with crafting. My grandmother is the person who I can give credit to for my craftiness. She taught me to embroider, something that I still enjoy. My love for making jewelry did not start until a few years ago. I decided that I wanted to make the jewelry for my wedding. Tommy and I were at an antique store and he found a necklace that he liked. We bought it and I restrung it and also made a matching pair of earrings. You can get an idea of it here. It all went downhill from there. I was hooked. Anytime I was at a store that sold beads I had to see what they had. I started to build up my stock pile. My mom told me about a craft bizarre her office was having. I started to make things for other people and they liked them! It is so rewarding for me. It is also a creative outlet for me. I tend to leave things laying around, but Tommy has gotten used to that. He has informed me on several occasions though that when we have a baby I will have to keep my beads picked up. Last summer my wonderful mom helped me to paint my front porch to make it into my "studio". I love having a space to keep all my supplies. I even got a label maker for my birthday to help me to get organized. Kimberly helped me to add to the growing supply when she went with me to the Bead and Button Show last year. Wow, talk about sensory overload. It was so much fun though.

Tonight I had two high school girls come over with their prom dresses in tow. I am designing jewelry for them. It is exciting to have enough of a stock pile so that my "client" can see what catches her eye. I love working with people to come up with something that they love. I can't wait to start working on them. Last weekend I got my newest issue of Bead Style in the mail. I sat down and poured over all the pretty designs. One of the features is all about green beading. I was very excited to see links to sites that sell various green beads. I really liked what Happy Mango Beads had to offer. The picture above is what I got in the mail today. They are so pretty. Now I just need to force myself to stop being lazy and get some things done. My mom's office is having another bizarre on May 1st. I need to get busy!


S. said...

Whoa.. thanks for the link to the Happy Mango Bead site. The lime green beads there are gorgeous! (Green is my favorite color.)When the bill comes, I will tell my husband to blame you! ;) J/K.

Your studio looks amazing! I absolutely love that rug.

And I was pretty much twitching with jealousy when you and Kimberly went to that Bead and Button Show last year. It looked awesome!

kimberly said...

Love the happy mango beads! Cindy got a bunch of beads in Arizona. She bought some little square beads that she said were red coral beads. I loved them. Might be something you want to look into. ;)Can't wait to see what you make with all of those beads!

Bri said...

Ummmm... I too have received a label maker for a present (upon request!!)

You are too cool.
