
in the dirt

Like many others I have been wishing for warmer weather since about the middle of January. This weekend it finally came. I was able to get outside with the D40 and take some pictures. Once again the neighbors get to enjoy watching me lay in the grass or climb a tree to get an up close an personal shot of nature. Barbie is usually outside with me while I'm playing. She too enjoys laying in the warm grass.

Sunday, Tommy and I decided that we need to work on the front yard. It seemed like a much more doable task to just focus on one part of the yard. He manned the raking and mowing and I worked in my flower bed. It is always excited to pull away all the dead foliage and see the green underneath. My spring perennials are almost in bloom and that makes me really happy. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. I also tackled the yucca plants that were here when I bought the house. I hate yuccas. If you are thinking about planting them, make sure that you want them around FOREVER. They will not die. No matter how far down I dig or how much weed killer I put on them they always come back. I cut them down and dug the suckers up. At least for now my flower garden is yucca free. I had Tommy run and get me some dirt to fill in some holes in the back of the garden. While digging up the yuccas we discovered a bunch of bricks, thus leaving holes. I covered the dirt with some mulch and now my garden looks so much better. There is more to be done but I will leave that for another weekend. I am pretty sore today and actually have a little bit of a sunburn. I guess I should have listened to Tommy when he told me to put on sunscreen.

I enjoy gardening which is something that I learned from my parents. My dad always planted a very large garden when I was younger. His garden is not as big now as it used to be but it is still bigger than mine. My mom has a rather large perennial flower garden. I have a lot to learn to be at their level of gardening but I still enjoy it. It is rewarding to make a dinner that mainly consists of veggies that you grew. I look forward to seeing who has the first tomato this year, my dad or me. Last year it was me, but who's keeping track? I would not say that I have the greenest thumb, but I like to pretend that I know what I am doing. For know I would say that my thumb is a light shade of green, maybe lime.
*Tommy took this picutre of me. If you look real close my eyes are closed but I still kind of like it.*


kimberly said...

You're such a cute little gardener. Maybe you can help me...soon I'll have a yard you know! ;)

cressfamily said...

You are so talented. Crafty with the beads and good with dirt. I am jealous of your gardening talent. I try really hard but flowers just aren't my thing. I can grow most veggies because it is hard to mess them up but flowers take extra care. Good job Jess.