
9 month updates

Some Lucy updates:

-Second tooth has emerged.
-Down to one bottle of my milk a day at the sitter's.
-I nurse her in the morning and before bed.
-Pulls herself to a standing postion.
-Babbles all the time.
-Favorite thing to say is dada.
-Mama comes out when she is upset.
-Started to crawl forward today.
-Can be a very picky eater for me.
-Doing better about being so clingy to me when around others.
-Weighs 16 lbs 6 oz.
-Is 27 1/2 inches long.
-Screams and flaps her arms when she sees her daddy.
-Screams and flaps her arms when my mom comes over.
-Likes to kiss her reflection in the mirror.

That's all the updates I can think of for now.