
nothing new

My appointment went okay. My Dr. didn't really didn't have much to say. He was just glad that I still do not notice any MS symptoms. He was also happy to hear that I am going to see the Dr. in Campaign. Everyone keeps telling me, "She's really good." So, now it is the wait and see game. In the meantime my grandma and I made a deal to not worry about anything for the next 2 days.


cressfamily said...

Oh that is so great to keep accountable with your grandma. Very sweet! I am glad to hear that things are going fairly well and the ball is rolling for you to see the specialist. We will be praying.
On a side note, I love your new background. It looks really great.

S. said...

I am glad to hear your appointment went okay today. I was thinking about you. I'm glad you got the appointment with the neurologist moved up and will be praying for that!

I also like your new background! Very spring-y! :)

kimberly said...

look at you getting all fancy and changing your template.

ps. i sent you some flair on facebook.

pss. i like the idea of not worrying. don't think i'll join in but it's a good idea. ;)