
wet dog

It was so nice out today after work (in the 60's) I decided that I needed to take a walk. I always take my "guard" dog Barbie with me. When we first start out she is basically running. By the time we get close to home she wants me to carry her. Normally I will pick her up and carry her a few steps, yes she is spoiled, but not today. It was so nasty out from the 8 1/2 inches of snow that have been melting for the past 2 days. There were cinders all over the place. We were dogging mud puddles and snow piles everywhere. When we got home she was so dirty that I told her that she had to have a bath. I didn't let her off the leash. I lead her straight to the bathroom. She abruptly stopped at the doorway and sat down. Poor thing. We made it through and she got her usual treat afterwards. There is something about her being wet that makes her crazy. She runs around the house like a jack rabbit. I just sit and laugh at her. Someone once told me it is because when you give a dog a bath you are taking their "scent" away. They run around and roll all over to get it back. I don't know if that is true, but it sure is funny to watch. I just hope that it will be easier to give my kid a bath. At least he or she will not have claws to scratch me with...


kimberly said...

Bebo tears around like crazy after a bath too. We just stand back and let him.