
a heartbeat

Our first appointment went very well. We were there for a long time, but everything looks great. I had to pee twice on the way to Springfield because I could not hold all the water in they wanted me to drink. She said my bladder was still "very full". Ha. It was amazing to see our little one up on the screen. I think I said to her, "So there is really one in there." I guess I needed to see it to really believe it. The sickness and all positive pregnancy tests were not enough. I got to see the little baby growing inside me. Even better we saw and heard it's heartbeat. I was so surprised that we were able to hear it so early. She said, "and there's the heartbeat." At first I was thinking, mine? Then I realized that it was my baby's. Wow. I didn't cry like I always thought I would. I think I was too much in shock that we heard it. Tommy stayed glued to the screen. I'm so glad that he was able to be with me. He was such a trooper through the afternoon (I think we were there for about 2 hours). He even went in the exam room with me and the Dr. I really wanted him to meet our Dr. He said it was a little uncomfortable/weird, but not too bad. He was pretty tired from working afternoons the night before and I think his eyes were a little burnt from welding so he looked like he was less than thrilled to be there, but he really was excited. One of the nurses even said I was lucky that my husband was with me. I just thought to myself, why would he not be? After the sonogram I had to give them a "sample". No problems there. When I got done with that Tommy had the pictures in his hand. When we got back out in the waiting room we looked at it. I said you can't really tell anything. He said, "Yes you can. You can tell it has a head." It reminded me of the episode of Friends where Rachel can't tell what anything is on the ultrasound.
We came away from the afternoon uplifted and with a lot of reading material. They gave me a bag and a book. Our next decison will be to decide which hospital to deliver at. I didn't know I had to choose. Geez. I think I already know which one I want though. I need to talk to a few of my friends to see what their experiences were. I'm glad the first appointment is over and I look forward to more good reports. Until the blessed day our little one arrives on or around September 12th.


kimberly said...

That's is flippin' amazing. Seriously.