
syrup and chips

On my way home from work yesterday I stopped by the store to pick up a few items we needed for supper. While standing in line waiting my turn I hear a voice behind me say, "That's an interesting combination." I turned around to see an older lady smiling at me and pointing at my maple syrup, bacon and BBQ chips. I politely smiled and said, "Well, I am pregnant." She responded with, "Well then you have every right, honey." I guess I needed to justify my purchases to her.


sometimes it is the little things

Last night Tommy stopped and picked up a few things on his way home including a "surprise" for me. When we sat down to watch TV he started the DVD player. I asked what he was doing and he said this is your surprise. He had picked out a movie that he thought I would like. When the opening credits started I had no idea what it was. Finally the title came across: "The Prince & Me". I asked why he picked it and he told me that since I liked "The Princess Diaries" he thought I would enjoy this movie. He also picked it because there was a cute guy in it and he thought that I would like that. I laughed and settled down to enjoy the movie. I don't really remember this one when it came out, but I'm glad we watched it. It was very cute and even made me cry (not that it takes much to do that). It took me away for 111 minutes to a fairy tale world where meeting a real prince charming is not out of the question. If only I had a vault in my basement full of Harry Winston diamonds. A girl can dream right? We enjoyed the film. I must say that my real life "prince charming" did a good job of picking out a movie for his overly emotional pregnant wife. He has been so understanding and patient with me lately. I thank God every day for bringing us together. He means the world to me and I would not trade him for anything!


all I wanted was some bread

Last night nothing sounded good to eat. I finally decided on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I got out the pb&j but couldn't find the bread. I asked Tommy where he had put it. His reply was, "I ate it." Wrong thing to say to a pregnant lady who finally found something that sounded good. I broke down sobbing in the middle of the kitchen. After I could see again I settled on some applesauce and a glass of OJ. Maybe next time he finishes a loaf he will let me know...


hoping my day gets better

I have not had such a good start to my day so far. First of all, I woke Tommy up late again today. This time it was 45 minutes late. He doesn't really have to be at work that early so at least he will not be in trouble. I felt nauseous when I woke up. I hoped in the shower hoping that would make me feel better. Ha. The first thing I did was try to wash my hair with my face wash. I stood there wondering why it wasn't lathering up like usual. Seriously it took me like a minute to figure out what was wrong. Then I got sick in the shower. In the shower. Sorry if that grosses you out, but there was really nothing I could do about it at the time. Oh, and did I mention that it snowed last night. I went to take Barbie out before bed and I stop in my tracks when I got on the front porch and looked out the window. I thought I was seeing things. I guess I need to watch the news more so I expect these things. I am somewhat scared to even get dressed this morning.....


confusing days

So apparently I'm farther along than I thought. I don't know why I can't wrap my head around the whole due date thing. I guess I'm so confused because I pretty much know the date of conception and that is throwing me off. Tonight as I was reading from one of my pregnancy books I told Tommy, "I think I'm actually 10 weeks instead of 9." I called Kimberly and she helped me to figure things out. I'll take another week! That just means I'm a week closer to being done with the first trimester. I have been feeling a little better lately. There are for sure good days and not so good days. Tonight I'm actually up past 7:30. I feel like a rebel. Maybe I'm getting some energy back. I keep telling myself that if I stay awake later, then I will sleep better throughout the night. Hopefully that works. I have been sleeping better though. This morning I don't remember Tommy's alarm going off (at 12:45 am) I woke up around 1:15 and he was still asleep. I nudge him and he rolled out of bed. oops. He made it to work in plenty of time. All in all I enjoy being pregnant even if I don't know how pregnant I am.


new car

Tommy and I have been "looking" for a new car for a while now. We have talked about so many different ones. One of my co-worker's husband works part time for the dealership next to my office. She had mentioned this PT Cruiser to me. I'll be honest when they first came out in I think '01 I really didn't like them. Actually until I drove this one I still thought they were kind of ugly. Dennis brought it to us last Saturday to test drive. As soon as I sat in it I told Tommy that I wanted it. It is one of the first cars that I have sat in that I didn't feel swallowed up by. Being 4' 11 1/2" makes it difficult to see out of many vehicles that sit low to the ground. My first little red car sat really low. As a joke my grandma made me some pillows to sit on. I was excited and actually used them when I drove long distances. The PT Cruiser's seats sit higher up and the driver's seat even raises up more. I am happy to report that I don't even need to up that feature!! We drove it over the weekend and debated, Blue booked it, looked at other cars online and debated some more. By Sunday night I called Dennis and told him that we wanted to talk to the finance guy at the dealership. Tuesday after work we went and signed the papers. Whew. I'll admit I didn't get much sleep on Sunday night worrying about the decison.
Now that it is a done deal I'm so happy that we did it. I love the car. I love the way it drives and I even love the way it looks. I guess that it is one of those things that you don't know you like it until you try it. I'm telling you don't judge a book by it's cover. This car is not an "old person's" car. It has all sorts of extra's such as leather interior, heated seats, a navagation system and many more. I must say that I love the "butt warmer". The cold days we have been having have made having that feature very nice. It is just nice to have 2 nice vehicles now that we are starting a family. For now "Lil Jes 3" sits and waits for a new owner. Actually Tommy has still been driving it to work. I think he'll kind of miss it. It is has been a super great car and I will miss having it around as well.


a heartbeat

Our first appointment went very well. We were there for a long time, but everything looks great. I had to pee twice on the way to Springfield because I could not hold all the water in they wanted me to drink. She said my bladder was still "very full". Ha. It was amazing to see our little one up on the screen. I think I said to her, "So there is really one in there." I guess I needed to see it to really believe it. The sickness and all positive pregnancy tests were not enough. I got to see the little baby growing inside me. Even better we saw and heard it's heartbeat. I was so surprised that we were able to hear it so early. She said, "and there's the heartbeat." At first I was thinking, mine? Then I realized that it was my baby's. Wow. I didn't cry like I always thought I would. I think I was too much in shock that we heard it. Tommy stayed glued to the screen. I'm so glad that he was able to be with me. He was such a trooper through the afternoon (I think we were there for about 2 hours). He even went in the exam room with me and the Dr. I really wanted him to meet our Dr. He said it was a little uncomfortable/weird, but not too bad. He was pretty tired from working afternoons the night before and I think his eyes were a little burnt from welding so he looked like he was less than thrilled to be there, but he really was excited. One of the nurses even said I was lucky that my husband was with me. I just thought to myself, why would he not be? After the sonogram I had to give them a "sample". No problems there. When I got done with that Tommy had the pictures in his hand. When we got back out in the waiting room we looked at it. I said you can't really tell anything. He said, "Yes you can. You can tell it has a head." It reminded me of the episode of Friends where Rachel can't tell what anything is on the ultrasound.
We came away from the afternoon uplifted and with a lot of reading material. They gave me a bag and a book. Our next decison will be to decide which hospital to deliver at. I didn't know I had to choose. Geez. I think I already know which one I want though. I need to talk to a few of my friends to see what their experiences were. I'm glad the first appointment is over and I look forward to more good reports. Until the blessed day our little one arrives on or around September 12th.


first appointment

We have our first appointment tomorrow. I'm excited/anxious. I think I am most nervous about drinking enough water before the sonogram. I know I will be miserable, but I guess it will be worth it in the end. I am so glad that Tommy is taking the day off to go with me. I think his calmness/humor will help out. Going to the doctore will make this all seem more real. It will be good to also know what my actual due date according to my doctor will be. I'm hoping that I am not as sick tomorrow as I have all this week. At least I took the day off so I can sleep in a little.

Afterwards we are going to go shopping and out to eat. This will be our chance to celebrate since we really have not had a chance to do so. Hopefully we find some good deals and I find some new tennis shoes.


the funny things he says

One day last week when I was home over my lunch hour Tommy was getting ready to leave for work. He gave me a hug and kiss goodbye and told me, "Thanks for housing my baby." I just smiled and told him, "You're welcome." He always finds a way to make me laugh.


wet dog

It was so nice out today after work (in the 60's) I decided that I needed to take a walk. I always take my "guard" dog Barbie with me. When we first start out she is basically running. By the time we get close to home she wants me to carry her. Normally I will pick her up and carry her a few steps, yes she is spoiled, but not today. It was so nasty out from the 8 1/2 inches of snow that have been melting for the past 2 days. There were cinders all over the place. We were dogging mud puddles and snow piles everywhere. When we got home she was so dirty that I told her that she had to have a bath. I didn't let her off the leash. I lead her straight to the bathroom. She abruptly stopped at the doorway and sat down. Poor thing. We made it through and she got her usual treat afterwards. There is something about her being wet that makes her crazy. She runs around the house like a jack rabbit. I just sit and laugh at her. Someone once told me it is because when you give a dog a bath you are taking their "scent" away. They run around and roll all over to get it back. I don't know if that is true, but it sure is funny to watch. I just hope that it will be easier to give my kid a bath. At least he or she will not have claws to scratch me with...



Growing a human makes you tired. The funny or really not so funny thing is that I have troubles sleeping. I have always been this way. I rarely fall asleep without the TV on. Luckily the people that have shared a room with me have always been heavy sleepers. Right, Kimberly? Tommy has no problems sleeping through Nick at Nite or Lifetime. I fall asleep in my new recliner and sleep a little in the evening but when it comes to laying down in bed at night I just can't seeem to fall asleep. Yesterday I went shopping with my mom and my husband. I was exhausted by the time we got home at 9:30. I still had the same troubles as always. Pre-pregnancy I would ocassionally take a Tylenol PM to help me ease into sleep. I guess for now it is just going to be the job of Fresh Prince, Home Improvement or another re-run to help lull me off to dream land.