
cereal, diapers and mommy

Yesterday was a big day for my little girl, she tried some rice cereal for the first time. She has been very interested in whatever I'm eating or drinking so I decided that she might be letting me know that she is ready to try some "solids". I mixed up a little cereal with some breast milk. It was more milk than anything. The first few bites she was not really sure what she was supposed to do. It didn't take her long to figure things out. She was even grabbing the spoon and pulling it towards her mouth. She has been taking 6 ounces of milk during the day at the sitter's. I have been having a really hard time keeping up with her. I generally have to pump at least one time in the evening to get enough milk for her. It is worth the effort though.

She is now in cloth diapers full time. Honestly it has not been difficult at all for me to transition to the laundry. Tommy has even commented that it isn't that much work and he doesn't know why more people don't use cloth! If I can convince the guy who can't put his socks in the hamper I think that just about anyone can do it. Ha.

We are still having issues with her only wanting me to hold her. She is fine during the day (thank goodness otherwise I would not be able to work) but when she is at home she just wants her momma. She is doing much better with Tommy holding her. Tonight my mom came over for a little while. She was actually able to hold her for a while and even got to give her some cereal. I was so excited for my mom!

There are so many more things I have thought to blog about but I'm way too tired to remember them right now. We had a busy weekend and I'm still trying to catch up.


labor day weekend

Tomorrow the wee one turns 4 months old. She had a Dr's appointment last Friday and weighed in at a whopping 11 pounds and is 23.5 inches long. She is momma's little bit. We had a pretty good labor day weekend. My 29th birthday was the 4th. Tommy grilled some yummy pork steaks and we had my family over for supper. Saturday we went to visit Kimberly, Josh and Jasper. It was a really good visit and we even got to spend some time with Kimberly's awesome parents. I only wish we lived closer because our time is always cut short with them. Kimberly was able to take some amazing pictures of Lucy. I have only seen two so far and all I can say is wow. Lucy did very well on the two hour trip up and back. The rest of the weekend was spent pretty close to home. We did hit one of the neighboring town's Labor Day celebrations.

Lucy was pretty fussy this weekend. I'm guessing the shots did not settle well with her this time. Also, I think the tooth is starting to move again. Those two things combined made for a unhappy baby. I spent a lot of the weekend holding her while standing up (the picture above shows how we spent a lot of our time together). Needless to say I did not get any of the housework done that I had planned on doing. Tommy was home so that was a huge help. He also switched his shift at work so he will now be home more often at night to help out. Despite the fussy times during the day she is still sleeping very well at night. She generally only gets up once and that is very early in the morning. Last week I started to add more cloth diapering to our schedule. We are now using cloth full time on the weekends and when she is at home. The only time she has a disposable on is when she is at the sitter's. I talked to her sitter last week about it and she seems on board with the switch. I'm not sure what I'm waiting for. The laundry has not been that bad at all. Tommy even stuffed a load of diapers for me over the weekend!

Wow, I just looked at the time. It's after 9:30 and I need to head to bed. I need my beauty sleep. Ha!