
makes my heart all gooey

Tonight Tommy and I went to eat with my parents. Before we got our food, my brother and his family came to join us. At one point Clara was standing on the bench by me. She reached out and put her little arms around my neck. She patted me on the back and didn't let go. As she pulled away I'm pretty sure I heard "luzyou". Even if she didn't say it I know that she was trying to tell me that she loves me. Right back at ya kiddo. This is one proud auntie!

Side note. I had the pleasure of watching her for several hours on Monday. Tommy and I had a great time playing with her and taking her to see the neighbor's ducks. She went home quacking. ha. That night she was at my parents and just as they were leaving she fell and hit her head against the china hutch. I guess it looked pretty bad so they took her to the ER. They debated if they should stitch it but ended up just using the glue. I'm sure this will be the first of many bumps and bruises, but it still looks so sad to see a 1 year old with a gash on her forehead covered with tape. I guess that was a rather long side note...