Tonight is graduation night in my town. My mom and I are going to see my brother's girlfriend walk across the stage. It is hard to believe that it was 10 years ago that I was in the same position, getting ready to head out into the big scary "adult" world. Oh, how things have changed. I had a great group of friends in High School. We always had a great time and never really did much of anything. We just had fun being together. Only a few of my HS friends live near me now and I miss them dearly. Our lives have taken us across several states. I hope to see some of them this year at our reunion. There are a few others that were in the year ahead of me. I don't know when I will see them again. For tonight I'll try to hold back the tears as the HS band plays "pomp and circumstance". For some reason I always tear up when I hear it. Congratulations to all you grads out there, HS or otherwise!
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