
crazy Illinois weather

It is no wonder that everyone is sick. On my lunch hour today it was around 60 degrees. It was windy, but not that cold. When I left the office after 4:00 this afternoon my driver's side door was almost frozen shut. Now it is in the 20's and snowing! Seriously.

Days like this make me long for spring.


sunshine on a cold day

Tommy has never been overly romantic and I've come to be okay with that. He has a hard time surprising me at all. Today he called and said he was leaving work early (he only worked 9 hours instead of his usual 12) so he could put his paycheck in the bank. I told him that I would be out of the office for the afternoon so I would just see him after work.

When I walked in the door I smelled something cooking and that made me smile. I didn't have to cook tonight, yeah! The next thing I noticed was a bouquet of cheery yellow daises on the coffee table with a card. My smile grew a little more. I walked into the kitchen to find my hubby doing the dishes I had left sit. By this time there was no hiding my elation. He's doing dishes. Heck the card would have been enough for me. He did a really good job of making an otherwise cold and icky day a little brighter. I guess maybe he felt I needed a little joy after my emotional breakdown last night. Pregnancy hormones are wonderful...

Inscription in the card from Tommy:
"I thought you would like these because I really love you and you are the most beautiful thing. You will make a good mom."
p.s. Love Tommy

The "ps" made me laugh.

I think he kind of likes me.



So, I'm pregnant. I'm still having a hard time believing it. I guess it will seem more real after the first Dr's appointment on Feburary 8th. I took my first home test on the 10th. I had 2 lines. I called my best friend at 6:30 in the morning and said, "I have 2 lines." It was kind of surreal. We had been trying for a few months, but it will still a shock. Tommy was at work so I could not talk to him until he got home that night. I left the test laying out in the bathroom. He walked out with the stick in hand grinning from ear to ear. "Is this 2 lines? Because 2 lines means pregnant," he said. I just smiled and said yes.
Now, I didn't immediately believe that one. Two days later I had another positive test and my basal temperature was still high. I called and made a Dr.'s appointment for the following Monday. The next few days were filled with excitement and anticipation for the confirmation from my family Dr. Monday before work I took yet another test (why waste a trip to the Dr.), positive again. The nurse called me back into an exam room and told me congratulations. So, 4 pregnancy tests later and I am still in shock. We want this don't get me wrong but it is still just amazing. Seriously. I went home, called Kimberly again (my support) then called and made my first appointment with my OB.
The next day at work was so difficult. I work very closely with my co-workers. Each time someone asked me how I'm doing I responded with a polite, "fine" but I wanted to say "I'm 4 weeks pregnant." By Wednesday I called Tommy at lunch and told him that we had to go to my parents that night and tell them. It was seriously making me sick not being able to tell anyone. The evening went well and I felt so much relief afterwards. On the way home I told Tommy that I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I will post another time about telling everyone. There are stories there that deserve a separate post. Now it is out there for the world to know and that is okay with me. Some people wait and that may work for some people, but I am not some people. It was the right time for us to share our news.


It's my first time, go easy on me

I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now. I have tried more times than I can count to keep a journal but that never lasts long. I figure since I spend so much time on the computer anyway, why not write down my random thoughts for all the world to read. There is something freeing about putting your thoughts and feelings out there. I am not poetic or a deep thinker so do not expect to be inspired. What you see is what you get.

I have been married for over a year now. Hard to believe. Time really does fly when you are having fun. I love being married. It is wonderful to know that you are loved even when you wake up in the morning with wild hair and no makeup. Tommy loves me. I don't need a million reasons why. I just know he does. More about that later.

I look forward to posting on a (hopefully) regular basis. Thanks for reading.