Tomorrow Lucy will be 11 weeks old. I actually had to just count that up on the calendar because it didn't seem like it could be 11 already. Her most recent development is that she is working on her first tooth! Yep, 2 months old and she is teething. Last weekend she was not herself. I kept telling Tommy that if I didn't know better I would think she was getting a tooth. I didn't think that it could actually be true. She was fussy, drooling A LOT, not wanting to sleep or eat and when she did eat it was for short amount of times. Also, when she eats it started to feel like she has little razor blades in her mouth, yea-ouch. She was born with two little white dots on her lower gum. That is the spot where the tooth seems to be moving. My sister in law was actually the one who felt it and brought it to my attention. Now we are just waiting to see if it actually pokes through or stays like it is for a while. Thank goodness for Aunt Mindi or we would probably still be trying to figure out what is going on with her.
It is just hard to believe that our little girl is already growing up. Almost every day Tommy tells her that she needs to stop growing. I can't wait to see who she becomes but I really want to cherish these cuddly baby moments because I know they will soon be gone.
working on a tooth
Posted by lilmoxey at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: holy cow moment, Lucy Ella
working for a living
Kimberly took this picture of me and Lucy a couple of weeks ago. I pretty much love it.
I have been back to work for a week now. It was not as horrible as I thought it would be. Lucy adjusted very well and did great at the sitter's. The sitter is pretty much family so that made the transition for me so much easier. I am able to go pick her up on my lunch hour to bring her home to nurse. It cuts my lunch hour way down, but I can't think of a better way to spend it. Actually I wonder what I used to do with all my time!
I think that it helps that I work/live in the same town. She is just a few minutes away if we need each other. :) Our mornings are going fairly well. This morning she wanted to get up around 5am and decided to be extra hungry so I had to nurse her twice before I left for work. That means I'm extra tired tonight and should be sleeping instead of blogging. I just wanted to pop in and say that we are surviving.
Lucy had her 2 month check up on the 10th. She is up to 9lbs 9ozs. The Dr. was happy with her weight gain. She also got her shots that day. I held her and just looked away. She wailed a tiny bit but overall she did very well.
I still need to pump some more tonight to fill up her bottles for tomorrow. Pumping is probably my biggest time issue right now. I feel like my day revolves around feeding my child! I will not give up on nursing though! I'm in it for the long haul. It's what's best for her. My job takes me out of the office a few times a week. I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to pump on the go! It is amazing how much your life changes and you don't even realize it. I would never have imagined that I would be planning my routes based on where I can find a spot to hook myself up to a pump. Ha! Well, I think that is enough booby milk talk for now. Sorry, like I said before, that is pretty much what my day revolves around.
I have some thoughts about being a working mom, but I will save them for another post where I am a little more coherent. I hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by lilmoxey at 8:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: Lucy Ella, working mom