
36+ weeks

Earlier today I had a blog post rolling around in my head. Right now though it would seem that pregnancy brain has kicked in and I can't remember what I wanted to write about for the life of me...

This weekend Tommy and I finally have our birthing/Lamaze class. It is all day on Saturday. Since we are an hour away from the hospital, we decided to stay up there tomorrow night so that we don't have to get up so early on Saturday morning. I guess you could say that this is our last little getaway sans baby. I'm looking forward to spending some time with Tommy. He has been working straight midnights for longer than I can remember now. He also works most weekends. This means that there is little time left for "us". It has not really been too bad until the last few weeks. I'm am really not able to do much at all once I get home from work. My feet have now become something that I no longer recognize. I pretty much come home from work and try to keep them up as much as possible. There is so much that needs to be done, but my body is telling me that I need to just slow down and take it easy.

Lil Dumpling is still fairly active despite the fact that she has to be out of room. I am down to weekly Dr. appointments and everything has been right on track at them. Our dogs seem to know that something is up. If I move an inch Barbie is on alert. The other day when I was walking around the yard with Remington. He came over to me and nuzzled up to my belly. He did that several times and then finally left me alone. I half thought that maybe I was going to go into labor soon because he NEVER does that. Alas, I did not. I guess everyone is very excited to meet the little one!!

I'll end with a picture of me that Tommy took today on my lunch hour. I don't look all that great, but hey I'm over 36 weeks pregnant so what do you expect?


PAMMIE said...

I think you look adorable! I really love that top. So cute!

I can't believe you're at 36 weeks already! Wow. I think it's a great idea to spend the night while you take your birthing class. It's so important to have that time! I love to go out to dinner, so about every other night before we had the baby Chris and I were at a different restaurant, just enjoying that time together, enjoying those last moments before baby. So take advantage! You will never be able to be that selfish again :D

I'm so excited for you! Thanks for keeping us posted, on the blog and on Twitter! I hope your feet start behaving for you :D


Michelle said...

Beautiful Jess!! She'll be here soon. Let me know if you want to meet for lunch if you are too tired we'll just shoot for after Lucy is born.