I think I'm in trouble. Little dumpling is shaping up to be like it's dad: can't sit still. I finally had my first OB appointment today at 10 weeks. I was super nervous on the way to Springfield this morning. My stomach was more upset than normal. Once I got in the office I was better though. I just knew that everything was alright. A peace just came over me. They got me in right away and before I knew it I was sitting there with my gown on waiting for Dr. K. She is such a gentle woman. She did my exam and tried to find dumpling's heartbeat with the Doppler, but couldn't. The nerves came back a little, but not as much as I thought they would. I had prepared myself for that. She said that since baby is still so tiny and I have a tilted uterus, or whatever it is called, that the heartbeat can be difficult to hear. She had her ultrasound tech do a "quick" ultrasound so that we would all feel better. I practically hugged her when she said they would do that.
The tech found the baby right way and before long there was the little flicker that I have now have no problems finding on my own. The kid was moving around like crazy. It was so incredible. If only I had a video to share with you all. This tiny little being inside me that is only around a half inch was dancing around. The little arms are only about the size of a "1" but there it was moving around to let mom and dad know that things are okay. I had tears streaming down my face. I didn't expect to see movement like that. I'm so thankful I did and that Tommy was there to witness it as well. We decided that it was worth it for him to take the day off.
She gave me a due date of May 25th. Now if I can just make it through the rest of this first trimester I will feel more at ease.
may 25th(ish) 2009
Posted by lilmoxey at 8:54 PM 3 comments
Labels: lil dumpling
burnt plastic
Today after work I decided to be ambitious and make some homemade chicken soup. I figured it would be something that would not make me sick. I got the pot on the stove and started to wash up some dishes. A few seconds later I smelled something hot. I turned around to see smoke rolling out from under my coffee pot that was on the back burner of the stove. Why a coffee pot on the stove you ask? Well, I have a tiny kitchen and since we have been giving said kitchen a bit of a face lift I have things stored on every inch of space I can find. So, in my haste to get the soup going I turned on the WRONG burner. Yep, I melted the bottom of my coffee pot to my ceramic cook-top stove. The smell was horrendous. I opened the windows and aired the house out. The smell is still lingering as I type this post. I'm not sure how I managed to turn the wrong burner on. I guess I can blame it on the pregnancy right? I'm just glad that I'm not a daily coffee drinker. Of course I did just buy some decaf. I guess I can add a coffee pot to my wish list.
Today was supposed to be my first Dr.'s appointment. Well, around 8:30 I got a call that my Dr. is sick and she had to cancel her appointments for the day. Now I have to wait until the 28Th. I guess I was just really hoping to get the reassurance that everything is okay.
Last week I was on vacation and I didn't do much of anything. I'm not sleeping very well at night so during the day I rest when I can. It was nice to be home and not really having anything looming over my head to do. I did manage to work on some jewelry pieces done. Also my mom and I worked on sanding and painting the cabinets. On Friday I decided that I needed to go hang out with Kimberly. She is officially on maternity leave and just waiting for her little one to come into this big world. It was really nice to just spend some time with her and Josh. That was pretty much the highlight of my vacation. Now it is back to work and a daily routine. So I guess that means I need to think about trying to go to bed sometime soon.
Posted by lilmoxey at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: holy cow moment, lil dumpling
a few of the things on my mind
I still can't believe that I'm pregnant.
This lack of appetite is really getting to me. Nothing sounds good. Food tastes different. I basically have to force myself to eat.
Sleeping has not been easy either. I'm tired all day, but I can't sleep at night.
I wish Tommy wasn't on afternoons this week.
I'm so thankful for my mom. She really helped to motivate me today and get some things accomplished around the house.
I get excited each time the phone rings thinking that it might be Kimberly letting me know that she's in labor. So excited to meet Baby Knight!
I still have 6 more days off until I have to go back to work.
When I go back to work on Monday I only have to work 1/2 day then I get to go see my Dr. for my first prenatal visit.
I'm very anxious about that visit.
I really need a haircut. Good thing I have an appointment this week.
I've been missing my high school friends and I wonder what they are up to.
Maybe I should "try" to go to bed now.
Posted by lilmoxey at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Labels: lil dumpling, random thoughts
the most beautiful sound in the world
Yesterday I heard the most beautiful sound in the world, my baby's heartbeat. Let me back up a little. On September 17th I had a feeling and I took a test. To my absolute shock I passed. The reason I was so surprised is that Tommy and I had decided to not try last month. No more taking my temperature, no more ovulation predictor sticks, no more um... scheduling of things. Wow, can't believe I just wrote that but lets face it you all know what I'm talking about anyway. Well, like everyone has said, when you least expect it things will happen. I guess they were right.
I was cooking dinner that night and I asked Tommy to run to the local pharmacy to get me a box of tests. Now, I have been used to a certain test and even had a coupon for said brand but he came back with a generic version. I asked why. He said that he only had so much cash on him and did not have his debit card. He informed me that they took the coupon and he still had to borrow a dime from the cashier. I just laughed at what must have been going through the cashier's mind. "Poor guy got some girl in trouble and he can't even afford to buy a box of pregnancy test." I asked if he told her that we have bought countless boxes and have been at this for about a year and a half now? He didn't. Oh well. If I knew who she was I would be glad to pay her back for making my day. Well, I took the test right away. I laid it on the counter and I was pretty sure it would come up negative. I had no idea where I was in my cycle so I could be testing really early. Well much to my surprise two lines appeared right away. My mouth dropped to the sink in disbelief. I yelled for Tommy. He came in. I was speechless. "Look at this," I said. A big grin came across his face. He stood there for a few moments then said he had to leave the room because he was going to cry. I think I stood there for a few more minutes just sure that the lines would disappear. They didn't, matter of fact they are still there. The test I took the next morning and the next are still there as well. I did end up buying another box of tests because I was just sure that the generic brand was wrong. I'm so glad it wasn't.
On Friday morning I called my Dr. They wanted me to get some blood work done. Next thing I knew I was at my family Dr. getting blood drawn. They did not get back to me until the following Monday. That was the weekend we put a new roof on the house. I told Tommy that I had to tell my mom. I could not be around her all weekend and NOT say anything. I told her and my sister in law, Mindi. I had already called Kimberly as well (pretty much as soon as I saw the lines). All weekend I was so nervous. Monday came and they said that my levels were good and could I come up next week for an ultrasound? The next week drug by. I wished the weekend away. Any little pain or twinge freaked me out.
On Monday Tommy and I both took the day off. The entire way to Springfield I felt sick. They got us in right away and next thing I knew there was our little dumpling (Tommy's nickname for baby) on the screen. So tiny but there. The technician thought she saw a flicker of a heartbeat but with baby being so small she could not be sure. I told myself that was to be expected and didn't mean anything. The technician consulted my Dr. and informed me that everything looked good and they would like to see me again in a week for another ultrasound. Another week of development should bring about a stronger more noticeable heartbeat. So I waited through another week and wished away another weekend.
Fast forward to yesterday. Again I took the day off. This time my mom took the day off with me instead of Tommy. I hated to not have him there, but we kind of need money to pay for the Dr. bills so off to work he went. The technician called me back right away. It didn't take long at all for the little dumpling to show up. Right away I recognized the flicker of the heartbeat. She poked around and measured and finally switched the machine so my mom and I could hear the heartbeat. I totally teared up. It was such a welcome sound to my ears. She measured a few more things and she was done. She consulted my Dr. and another nurse came out and gave me an appointment card for my first prenatal visit on the 20th. I don't have an "official" due date yet. For now I'm just saying end of May around the 28th. Yesterday the baby measured at 6 weeks 5 days.
All of this has brought on a whirlwind of emotions. That is for another post though.
So there you have it. That pretty much wraps up the past few weeks for me. I guess I should add that I have not felt the best. Yes, there is the "morning" sickness but also I have been fighting a cold for a week now. Minor little bump in the road.
I'll end this really long post with a picture of our little dumpling. Doesn't look like much yet, but it's there and so is the heartbeat and that's all that matters to me at this point!
Posted by lilmoxey at 7:15 PM 4 comments
Labels: holy cow moment, lil dumpling
that time of year
It's that time of year again. It is cold outside and nice and cozy inside. Barbie curls up next to me to stay warm. When we go to bed at night she noses under the covers and makes her way to the bottom of the bed and sleeps there for most of the night. In the morning she stays curled up on the bed while I get ready. So many mornings I just want to stay in bed curled up right next to her. Barbie has been such a comfort to me in the past few months. She is my little buddy. I'm thankful for her companionship.
Posted by lilmoxey at 8:32 PM 1 comments
Labels: Barbie, random thoughts