
july 2010

Wow, the summer seems to be flying by.  I can't believe how quickly the days go by!  Lucy started fully walking on July 5th.  Now she is everywhere.  Tommy is working the midnight shift and a lot of weekends so that really limits what we can do.  We are making the best of things though. 

Above is a little video of Lucy feeding the fish at a lake near our house.  My mom and I took her out there a couple of weeks ago. 

She had Roseola two weeks ago.  She had a high fever for two days then she got a rash.  It was pretty rough on both of us.  Basically all she wanted was for me to hold her.  I was so glad when she got back to normal.  Sick babies are no fun.  Especially when there is nothing you can do to make them feel better but wait it out. 

Ever since I stopped nursing her she has had troubles sleeping all night in her crib.  Until now she has always slept in her own bed without any problems.  Right around her first birthday she was sick with a cold.  She had a really hard time breathing and could not sleep.  I laid with her in my bed trying to keep her comfortable and trying to get some sleep myself.  That was one of the first times she slept with me pretty much all night.  Shortly after that is when we stopped nursing.  Since then there has only been a few times when she actually slept in her own bed all night.  Generally she will go down and then wake up at either 10:30 or 3:30 and call out, "Mom. Momma. Mommy." When I pick her up she puts her little arms around my neck and gives me a big hug.  Then she turns towards the doorway and points letting me know that she wants to go to my bed.  I have tried everything to keep her in her bed.  One can only handle so much crying at 3:30am, especially when you have to get up to get ready for work in a few hours.  Long story short, I am doing what I swore I would NEVER do, let my little girl sleep in my bed.  It really hasn't been all that bad.  Like I said before, Tommy is working midnights now so he is not here.  On the weekends we just deal with it.  Last night she actually stayed in her own bed all night. 

One night this week she actually fell out of my bed.  I woke up and realized that she was not there.  It took me a second to remember if she was supposed to be.  I keep my snoogle body/pregnancy pillow on Tommy's side of the bed to (I thought) keep her from rolling out.  Anyway, once I realized that both her and the pillow were no longer on the bed I peered over the side.  She was fast asleep on Barbie's pillow on the floor.  We keep an extra bed pillow on the floor right by the bed for Barbie to sleep on.  I guess when she rolled out she fell right on it and it didn't even wake her up.  Crazy!  I scooped her back up and put her back in bed. 

Parenthood is an adventure.  We are enjoying all the ups and downs and Lucy continues to amaze us each day.  What a joy she is.  Sounds like she just woke up from her afternoon nap, guess I better wrap this up!