
sometimes it is the little things

Last night Tommy stopped and picked up a few things on his way home including a "surprise" for me. When we sat down to watch TV he started the DVD player. I asked what he was doing and he said this is your surprise. He had picked out a movie that he thought I would like. When the opening credits started I had no idea what it was. Finally the title came across: "The Prince & Me". I asked why he picked it and he told me that since I liked "The Princess Diaries" he thought I would enjoy this movie. He also picked it because there was a cute guy in it and he thought that I would like that. I laughed and settled down to enjoy the movie. I don't really remember this one when it came out, but I'm glad we watched it. It was very cute and even made me cry (not that it takes much to do that). It took me away for 111 minutes to a fairy tale world where meeting a real prince charming is not out of the question. If only I had a vault in my basement full of Harry Winston diamonds. A girl can dream right? We enjoyed the film. I must say that my real life "prince charming" did a good job of picking out a movie for his overly emotional pregnant wife. He has been so understanding and patient with me lately. I thank God every day for bringing us together. He means the world to me and I would not trade him for anything!