

Growing a human makes you tired. The funny or really not so funny thing is that I have troubles sleeping. I have always been this way. I rarely fall asleep without the TV on. Luckily the people that have shared a room with me have always been heavy sleepers. Right, Kimberly? Tommy has no problems sleeping through Nick at Nite or Lifetime. I fall asleep in my new recliner and sleep a little in the evening but when it comes to laying down in bed at night I just can't seeem to fall asleep. Yesterday I went shopping with my mom and my husband. I was exhausted by the time we got home at 9:30. I still had the same troubles as always. Pre-pregnancy I would ocassionally take a Tylenol PM to help me ease into sleep. I guess for now it is just going to be the job of Fresh Prince, Home Improvement or another re-run to help lull me off to dream land.