
confusing days

So apparently I'm farther along than I thought. I don't know why I can't wrap my head around the whole due date thing. I guess I'm so confused because I pretty much know the date of conception and that is throwing me off. Tonight as I was reading from one of my pregnancy books I told Tommy, "I think I'm actually 10 weeks instead of 9." I called Kimberly and she helped me to figure things out. I'll take another week! That just means I'm a week closer to being done with the first trimester. I have been feeling a little better lately. There are for sure good days and not so good days. Tonight I'm actually up past 7:30. I feel like a rebel. Maybe I'm getting some energy back. I keep telling myself that if I stay awake later, then I will sleep better throughout the night. Hopefully that works. I have been sleeping better though. This morning I don't remember Tommy's alarm going off (at 12:45 am) I woke up around 1:15 and he was still asleep. I nudge him and he rolled out of bed. oops. He made it to work in plenty of time. All in all I enjoy being pregnant even if I don't know how pregnant I am.