
Earth Day '08

Earth Day has been around since the early 60's but I think it is getting more recognition this year than ever. Yesterday when I was shopping with my mom, I had at least 2 sales clerks mention something about it. I guess I somewhat sparked the conversation when I told them I didn't want a bag, but still. Everywhere you look people are promoting "green" products. Even a certain women's unmentionables store has products that have some catchy green slogan plaster across the backside of shirts and shorts. I am not the best at recycling or taking quick showers, but I do try my best. Happy Earth Day '08. I encourage everyone to do a little something today for this amazing planet that God has blessed us with.


kimberly said...

Walmart had a huge display of reusable bags. I forgot to tell you that I got a second set of Envirosax. I love them and now I have plenty when we get a lot of groceries.

cressfamily said...

So when you use reusable bags to people normally grumble to you about it? Wal-mart is really bad about that. I was shocked to see there reusable bags for sale on display because the workers are always quite rude when we bring our own in. It may have to do with their spinning bag holders I don't know. But it is good to hear of people using reusables.