
burnt plastic

Today after work I decided to be ambitious and make some homemade chicken soup. I figured it would be something that would not make me sick. I got the pot on the stove and started to wash up some dishes. A few seconds later I smelled something hot. I turned around to see smoke rolling out from under my coffee pot that was on the back burner of the stove. Why a coffee pot on the stove you ask? Well, I have a tiny kitchen and since we have been giving said kitchen a bit of a face lift I have things stored on every inch of space I can find. So, in my haste to get the soup going I turned on the WRONG burner. Yep, I melted the bottom of my coffee pot to my ceramic cook-top stove. The smell was horrendous. I opened the windows and aired the house out. The smell is still lingering as I type this post. I'm not sure how I managed to turn the wrong burner on. I guess I can blame it on the pregnancy right? I'm just glad that I'm not a daily coffee drinker. Of course I did just buy some decaf. I guess I can add a coffee pot to my wish list.

Today was supposed to be my first Dr.'s appointment. Well, around 8:30 I got a call that my Dr. is sick and she had to cancel her appointments for the day. Now I have to wait until the 28Th. I guess I was just really hoping to get the reassurance that everything is okay.

Last week I was on vacation and I didn't do much of anything. I'm not sleeping very well at night so during the day I rest when I can. It was nice to be home and not really having anything looming over my head to do. I did manage to work on some jewelry pieces done. Also my mom and I worked on sanding and painting the cabinets. On Friday I decided that I needed to go hang out with Kimberly. She is officially on maternity leave and just waiting for her little one to come into this big world. It was really nice to just spend some time with her and Josh. That was pretty much the highlight of my vacation. Now it is back to work and a daily routine. So I guess that means I need to think about trying to go to bed sometime soon.