
diapers, a furry best friend and the orange drink

We (I) have made a decision that we are going to use cloth diapers for Lucy. Yours truly, who hates doing laundry, decided that it was the best thing for us all around. Tommy was supportive no matter what I wanted to do. For some reason it scares me to make such a decision. Kimberly has been using cloth diapers for a few months now and loves them. It helps knowing someone who is currently having success with them. I'm sure that I would not have taken the plunge otherwise. It is amazing the reaction I get from people when I tell them about going cloth. I think a lot of people do not realize how different diapers are today. I think they are so stinking cute and I can't wait to see them on Lucy. Yes, the laundry will be something that I have to get used to doing more of, but there will be a lot of new things that I will have to adjust once she is here. Tonight I finally started an online registry for them. I guess that was my way of committing to the decision. We will be using the bumGenius 3.0 diapers.
As I type this post Barbie is laying on the arm of the couch behind me. She has her head resting on my shoulder and I'm laying my head on her back. She has been such a little cuddle bug lately. She knows that something is going on with me. Almost on a daily basis she will sniff my belly as if to say hello to the little one. Tonight I was in Lucy's room doing some organizing. Barbie came running in with one of her toys in her mouth as if to say, "Okay, enough of playing with the baby things. My turn!" I threw the toy a few times and moved on to something else in the room. I sat down in the rocking chair and she came running over and immediately wanted on my lap. I laughed as I got a mental picture of myself with Lucy in one arm and Barbie in the other. It shall prove to be an interesting adjustment for all of us.
Monday is my next Dr.'s appointment. My mother and I both have the day off for President's day so she is going with me. At that appointment I have to do the glucose test. The bottle of the lovely orange drink has been sitting in my fridge haunting me since my last appointment. I'm just praying that I past and I don't have to do the 3 hour test!
I think this is about all I have the energy to type for now. I'm hoping for a comfortable nights sleep!!
**I'm have troubles getting my post to look the way I want it. Sorry if it is difficult to read.



Tonight is the first night all week that I have not fallen asleep shortly after supper. It would seem that pregnancy is starting to kick my butt. Every day it seems like my stomach grows a little more. When I seem my reflection I'm almost surprised by what I see. Of course with an expanding midsection comes the sore back, troubles getting comfortable while sleeping, difficulties bending over and the list goes on. One thing that amazes me is that while I continue to get larger my weight gain has stayed low. I attibute that to my general lack of appetite. When I am hungry I try to eat fairly healthy, so I guess that helps to keep the weight under control. Something that I am really struggling with is drinking enough. I have always been really bad at getting enough water during the day and now when it is more important than ever, I'm not any better. However, I have been drinking chocolate milk by the gallons. I can't get enough!! Between Tommy and I we go through 2 gallons of milk (he drinks white, I drink chocolate) in a few days. At least I'm getting calcium. I'm anxious to see what the next 15 and a half weeks bring. Here is a picture of me last week at 23 weeks 2 days.